ICT4D Job Departure

How to Leave Your Digital Development Jobs Gracefully

While I usually talk about how to get a new job, I would be remiss not to stress that how you leave a job also has great bearing on your future employment prospects.

ICT4D is a small industry and word gets around fast if you’re an ass, so one of the best employment insurance policies is to leave your employers gracefully. But what does “gracefully” really mean?

Give Plenty of Notice

Departures happen, and there is no reason to feel bad about leaving a job for a better opportunity. However, the first step in leaving gracefully is to give your current employer plenty of notice.

Yes, two weeks is the minimum, but why be that person? I personally like to give a month’s notice, at least, so there is plenty of time for the team to recruit someone new and have me train them before I depart. This isn’t always practical, but it should be your aim.

Leave on Good Terms

I cannot stress enough how important it is to leave on good terms with your colleagues. These are the people that will be your future employment references and generally, your social capital across digital development.

So go make amends to those you’ve disrespected. Bury your perceived slights, and recognize the good things that happened. Especially when you felt grievously wronged.

Always Speaking Kindly

Finally, do your best to always speak kindly of your past employers. They are only human after all, and like you, have their faults, biases, and issues.

Be especially respectful of your past team around your new team. They are keenly aware that one day, they’ll be your past peers and they don’t want a preview of what you’ll say about them.

Good luck!