How Can I Get an ICT4D Job in Cuba?

Through my ICT4D career coaching, I get a wide variety of inquiries and requests for advice. I do my best to help everyone who asks, and apparently, people find my services to be of great value. I get kudos like this:

  • “I wanted you to know that I walked away from our meeting with a remarkably fresh perspective. You’ve shed so much light on things that are seemingly quite obvious, but somehow were clouded. I am most appreciative for your time, insight, and enthusiasm.”

Then there are times I get questions I have no answer to.

That’s when I turn to you all to help a few job searcher in need via the ICT4D Career Network on LinkedIn, where we can share our ideas and tips, and support reach other to find our dream job.

Today’s interesting question highlights the historic shift in Cuban-American relations:

Do you know of any technology or telecommunications related jobs or leads for engagement in Cuba? I am an enthusiast of Cuban culture and I’ve been on two research trips there. I think Cubans deserve a better opportunity to connect to the world.

Now that the telecommunications embargo is lifting, I am curious if any tech companies or civil society organizations are laying out the framework for future Internet and networking infrastructure development in Cuba. Who is gearing up for deployments? Or is already working on these issues?

I am an experienced systems engineer and integrator, and I’ve worked with complex applications and systems serving the aerospace industry for many years. My skills can easily apply to any technology discipline and I am an enthusiastic self-starter able to work and create value with scarce resources.
Do you have any thoughts, information, or leads for this aspirant? They sound like someone who has the skills to the do the job and the respect for the Cuban people to be successful. If so, please share your comments here.

They, and us all, could use your insights on how to make this dream become a reality.


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