How Did You Get Your Current Job?

Did you blindly apply to a job ad, get an interview, then get hired? Or did you know someone at the organization who put in a good word for you? Better yet, did you already know the team before the job ad went live?

I’m willing to bet that you got your current job through your connections. You knew someone who knew someone.

That’s why I’m always surprised when people focus their job search efforts on crafting the perfect CV or cover letter, but don’t think to network with their friends and meet potential employers long before a job ad is even written.

Yes, it is easier to work on your cover letter than to meet strangers and small talk when you just want the pain of job searching to be over. Trust me, I get it. Looking for a job is hard, stressful, and if you don’t currently have a job, its downright maddening.

So don’t spend an extra second living in job search angst. Get off the CV and get out there and meet people. The faster you do, the quicker you’ll have a job and can relax in the warm embrace of your new coworkers.

Good luck!

Tags: Motivation

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